I'm a mom with the ultimate goal of being healthy. This blog will outline my meal plan (and recipes) for the next 8 weeks with an ultimate goal of losing 8 pounds (1 lb/week). I want to teach people to eat well, live well, shop local and prepare their food from local ingredients when possible. Respect the earth and yourself by eating food and using products that aren't harmful to us or the earth. This blog is not just about weight loss but about giving your body the nutrition it needs to be at it's best every day. Enjoy!

Saturday, July 23, 2011


My CSA this week included lots of delicious summer foods ... tomatoes, lettuce, cucumbers, snap peas, onions, zuccini and red currants.  This is the first time in a few weeks that I had to google a food!  There are not many recipes out there for red currants since they are not a widely used food and from what I read they are tart.  When all else fails I make muffins out of the unknown fruits in my CSA, stay posted to see how they turn out!

I also got a dozen fresh eggs and a bottle of maple syrup.  These are in addition to my summer CSA.

This week I did not receive a chicken so you will see more vegetarian dishes and egg consumption.  I do not believe in eating cow that has been fed GMO corn in a feedlot while standing in it's own poo, or meat  from an animal that has been locked inside a dark building and injected with antibitics or hormones.  I really enjoy the chicken share thru my CSA, 10 chickens are delivered over a 20 week "season".  These are whole roaster chickens (which is why I eat a lot of chicken during those weeks) and are ~ 3.25/lb.  The beef I eat comes from a peidmontese cow I purchased from Jeff Leen Farms in early spring which when all is said and done is ~7/lb.  I also purchase meat from Outpost when I want something that I do not already have, like hotdogs, brats, chicken breasts/thighs.  However, these meats tend to be a bit expensive and beans, farm fresh eggs, greek yogurt or good cheese tend to be a cheaper alternative.  So this is why you will see that I eat some vegetarian meals and some meat meals.  Plus it teaches my 2 year old food diversity which I feel is very important. 

On the meal plan this coming week:
Black Bean and Cous Cous salad - my daughter LOVES cous cous so I think this will be a hit in the house.  Plus I need to find a dish to pass for work and wanted to try something new. I like to bring something healthy for those of us who have certain food values :)
Red Currant Muffins
fresh salad
sauteed curly kale with garlic and parmesan
salsa chicken w/quinoa
spicy asian slaw
eggs, eggs and more eggs
lots of frsh summer fruit ... honey dew melon, blueberries, peaches :)
grilled beer and onion pork brats and zuccini from Outpost for my friend visiting from AZ

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