I'm a mom with the ultimate goal of being healthy. This blog will outline my meal plan (and recipes) for the next 8 weeks with an ultimate goal of losing 8 pounds (1 lb/week). I want to teach people to eat well, live well, shop local and prepare their food from local ingredients when possible. Respect the earth and yourself by eating food and using products that aren't harmful to us or the earth. This blog is not just about weight loss but about giving your body the nutrition it needs to be at it's best every day. Enjoy!

Friday, July 15, 2011

Pea Shoots

Pea shoots are the leaves and tendrils of pea plants. They are typically harvested from snow pea vines and are available at your local farmers’ market in spring, early summer and fall.

Potassium 3%         Folate 10.5%
Vitamin C 35.5%     Thiamin 5.75%
Vitamin A 15%       Riboflavin 7%
Vitamin E 8.75%     Vitamin B-6 4.75%

Vitamin k 132%       Fiber 3.5%
Pea shoots are considered a "green." For very few calories you get large amounts of vitamins and minerals. For just 10 calories and no fat, take a look at the nutrients in 2 cups of raw pea shoots:
Pea Shoots are a garden's hidden secret and one of my favorite greens, they are crunchy and sweet. Here is how I cook them:
melt 1 T of butter in a large frying pan
add a large amount of pea shoots (maybe 3 or 4 c) it should fill the pan
sautee down until wilted and add salt
I usually add a little water at the end, maybe 1/4 c and let it steam out
this makes about 1 c of cooked greens


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